I've been at this project for about six months, Greg has had the idea for the wine bar for close to two years. The bank has known about it for about three months and they were good enough to give us the money. We've got the drawings, the permit, an extremely competent general contractor and now we've got to GO!
By the thirtieth of this month:
Create a room in the back of the building for the twelve tons of printing equipment to go.
Move the HVAC back and create a climate controlled room for the paper and equipment.
Have riggers MOVE all of the equipment out of a blasted out hole in the facade, around the block and into the new printing room in the back of the building.
Move every last lick of usable stuff from the printing office into the envelope printing room (phones, computers, desks, Greg's golfing trophies etc).
Violently demolish everything left over.