We moved the office into a smaller room in the warehouse part of the building in preparation for demolition on Monday. It all happened very quickly, and twenty five years of crap was moved into the new space, put back into the "Creepy Room" (more on that later) or dragged into the printing room to await later demolition. All that is left now are a bunch of wires that go to nothing, some odd bits of hung ceiling and a very very worn out carpet.

Ever see the old "Route 66" TV series? They had one episode on Gaslight Square. I think that could be a selling point when you open.
Thanks for the RT 66 tip! I gotta check that out. I remember watchng that on Nick At Night when I was a kid.
So, does your creepy room live up to the Meek's creepy room?
No John,
NOTHING can live up to the creepy room at the Meek. The creepy room in the building in question was pretty creepy when I first saw it and it was full up to the 16 foot rafters with old tvs, computers, stoves and disgusting bric a brac. There was no "creepy fridge". However, I very much doubt that I'll be having any parties back there anytime soon.
Creepy room is the new VIP.
"creepy room, party of four."
Creepy bottle service?
whaddyamean, "crap?" Is there any confusion that those contents hold a wealth of intrinsic value.
Certainly, already missed - are the phone number references scrawled on the walls. And, let's not forget phone lines... even today, in many situations, they maintain a relative popularity and usefulness.
A triumphant so-long to the carpet and a big welcome to the afternoon sunshine streaming through the windows of the new pressroom.
I am ready for some Chimay!
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