Drama this week regarding the facade of the building. There are hundreds of buildings in St. Louis that have covered up their once glass filled facades in the last 50 years, as the business and population bled out of the city and into the county. I've seen everything from wood, glass blocks, bricks and concrete slabs used. The building in question was filled in by wood, sheeting which was insulated then covered on the inside with drywall. Now that we're doing a historic renovation, we're going to go ahead and rebuild a facsimile of what the building used to be like when it was built in the early 'oughts.
Which brings us to the pole. There's is a monster, six inch wide pole that supports the facade of the building. The pole is the proverbial sleeping dragon and we're committed to building around it. A few months back, two architects daintily cut out a square of drywall, found the pole and measured the distance between the pole and the walls in order to build the facade around it. Their intentions wer better than their measurments though and the facade they designed was off by a foot and a half in regards, or disregard to the pole.
Insert joke here calculating numbers of architects neccessary to measure one pole.
After some panic, much cussing we changed things around a bit so that we could appease the need for symmetry, the ADA, historical accuracy and of course, the pole.
Here's hoping.

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